Principles of Project Mgmt-Project Quality Planning and Kickoff

Unit 12 Discussion ForumDiscussion Forum (suggested level of effort: 1 hour)The purpose of a discussion forum is for students to engage one another over topics related to the course material. An initial post by each student “sets the table” for follow-on responses by other students. In a graduate-level academic setting, the initial post is more than describing opinion by the student. Rather, it is opinion supported by published literature or other references (e.g., refereed journals, textbooks, and especially the PMBOK). The response post can be less formal but no less thoughtful in content.Discussion Topic: Project Quality PlanningInitial Post Requirement (20 points): Minimum 300 words. Choose one of the nine (9) discussion (except Question #9) questions located at the end of Chapter 12, CPM 4e and write a discussion post in response. You must include at least one citation (in text) and a reference list in support of your discussion. Response Post Requirement (10 points): Minimum 150 words. In the response post, you will provide a counter opinion or alternative point of view, not simply a reaffirmation of the initial discussion post. The response post can rely entirely on your experience or it can be a combination of your experience supplemented with information learned from the course reading materials and other references.Assessment: You will be assessed on 1) content and 2) completeness (e.g., use of in-text citation of references used for summarizing, paraphrasing and quoting and other writing mechanics) and word count. Please see the screenshot for 9 questions.————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————–Unit 12 Individual AssignmentProject Quality Management (100 points)Suburban Homes Construction Project Quality Management Plan (QMP) Prepare a quality management plan using the elements described in the PMBOK 6e (Section for the Suburban Homes Construction Project.Content (90 points) Over the course the semester you’ve become familiar with the project and as part of the overall project management plan, a quality management plan is needed to communicate how quality will be met to the satisfaction of each stakeholder involved in a typical residential construction project.You should perform research on quality standards associated with residential construction to determine applicable standards. At least four (4) quality objectives associated with the project should be defined.As part of the section on quality tools, include a separate appendix with at least three (3) quality tools that will be used as a part of the project. These can be drawn from: 1) flow charts, 2) check sheets, 3) Pareto diagrams, 4) histograms, 5) control charts, 6) scatter diagrams, 7) affinity diagrams, 8) process decision programs charts, 9) interrelationship digraphs, 10) tree diagrams, 11) prioritization matrices, 12) activity network diagrams, 13) matrix diagrams, 14) inspections, and 15) statistical sampling.Last, about 1/3 of the plan should be devoted to major procedures relevant for the project for dealing with non-conformance, corrective actions procedures, and continuous improvement procedures.If information needed to complete a QMP is not explicitly stated in the scenario description or other project artifacts you’ve created or collected for this scenario in the past units, then develop (make-up) the information you need to complete the plan. Use tables and illustrations as needed to convey information.The plan (excluding the separate appendix) should be approximately 4 to 5 pages. Your Instructor will use Turn-it-in to ensure your paper is authentic work. To avoid plagiarism, see the course home page for more information and use the Purdue Online Writing Lab to learn how to paraphrase, summarize and cite the references you use in all academic writing assignments.Mechanics (10 points) It is expected that each part of this assignment have excellent mechanics (presentation, grammar and spelling) and exhibit the quality of work capable of a group of graduate students and working professionals. All sections of the document submitted must be readable at 100% magnification. Include any resources used in an APA formatted reference section.Please see the attached template for individual assignment.

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